Relevate is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of the working environment for its staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors to its premises.


This policy applies to:

  • All staff members; and
  • Contractors, volunteers and visitors to Relevate’s premises, to the extent it is relevant to them.

In this policy, ‘workplace’ includes working on site or off-site, attendance at a work-related conference or function, and attendance at a client or other work-related event, including retreats and social events.



Relevate supports the rights of all persons covered by the policy to work in an environment that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health.

Relevate is committed to the promotion of a joint and united approach to consultation and resolution of Work Health and Safety issues.

Relevate is committed to improving health and safety with a view to improving workplace efficiency and productivity. This will be accomplished through the ongoing development, in consultation with Relevate’s Safety Representatives, of management systems and procedures designed to, so far as is reasonably practicable:

  • identify, assess and control workplace hazards;
  • reduce the incidence and cost of occupational injury and illness; and
  • provide a rehabilitation system for those affected by occupational injury or illness.

Work Health and Safety statutory requirements, including regulations and codes of practice, are minimum standards and so the aim is for them to be improved upon, where practicable.

Bullying and violence at work

Relevate is committed to reducing bullying and occupational violence so far as is practicable in the workplace.

Bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed toward a person, or a group of persons, that creates a risk to their health and safety.

Examples of bullying can include:

  • verbal abuse;
  • excluding, ignoring or isolating a person;
  • psychological harassment;
  • intimidation;
  • assigning meaningless tasks unrelated to a person’s job;
  • giving a person impossible assignments and deadlines;
  • unjustified criticism or complaints;
  • deliberately withholding information vital for effective work performance; and
  • constant taunting, teasing or playing practical jokes on a person who is not a willing participant.

Bullying can be verbal, or in writing (including online).

Occupational violence refers to any incident where a person is physically attacked, abused, assaulted or threatened in the workplace.

Breach of this Policy

Any breach of this policy may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, which, in the case of employees, may lead to dismissal.

Any breach of this policy by a contractor may result in cancellation by Relevate of the services provided by that contractor.

Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator

The Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator will be held accountable for coordinating Relevate’s management of health and safety on behalf of the CEO. The Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator does not assume the responsibilities of supervisors and managers.

Health and Safety Representatives

Relevate will encourage and facilitate the formation of work groups and the election of Health and Safety Representatives to represent employees on health and safety matters.

Health and Safety Committee

Where required under legislation, Relevate will establish a Health and Safety Committee consisting of management and employee representatives. The Health and Safety Committee will be the principal forum in which management consults with employees on broad health and safety and policy issues.


The CEO and other executive officers will:

  • be committed to the provision and maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace;
  • consult and participate in the health and safety program;
  • use risk identification, assessment and control principles to reach Relevate’s health and safety objectives;
  • inform and train all persons to whom this procedure applies in relevant policies, procedures and health and safety obligations; and
  • participate in Relevate’s inductions and implement all safety procedures.

The Human Resources Department will:

  • be committed to the provision and maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace; and
  • ensure that all staff receive appropriate training in the policy and related procedures, and their obligations under occupational health and safety laws.

The Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator will:

  • coordinate the identification, development, implementation and review of Work Health and Safety policies and procedures;
  • assist supervisors/managers in the identification, assessment and selection of measures to control hazards and risks to health and safety;
  • assist supervisors/managers in monitoring and evaluating hazards and risk control measures;
  • assist supervisors/managers in the identification, development and provision of appropriate Work Health and Safety -related information, instruction and training;
  • monitor and advise on legislative and technical changes relating to health and safety;
  • monitor and provide regular reports to the CEO and the Health and Safety Committee on Relevate’s Work Health and Safety performance;
  • support employees and Health and Safety Representatives to follow policies and safe work procedures developed.

Supervisors/managers will:

  • be committed to the provision and maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace;
  • consult and participate in the health and safety program;
  • use risk identification, assessment and control principles to reach Relevate health and safety objectives;
  • inform and train all staff in relevant policies, procedures and health and safety obligations; and
  • participate in Relevate inductions and implement all safety procedures.

Employees will:

  • participate in health and safety training, actions and activities and support Relevate in its efforts to reach its health and safety and, where relevant, rehabilitation objectives;
  • follow reasonable health and safety instructions from managers or supervisors;
  • report any serious incidents, accidents, injuries or hazards in the workplace to supervisors or designated representatives;
  • aim to work in a way that does not endanger the health or safety of themselves or others;
  • properly use and maintain safety equipment;
  • make sure visitors follow safety rules in the workplace; and
  • participate in Relevate induction programs and implement all detailed safety procedures.

Contractors and visitors to Relevate will:

  • assess risks to their health and safety arising from the provision of their services;
  • have control measures in place to address those risks, including complying with any relevant Relevate policies and practices.

The role of the Health and Safety Committee (if relevant) is to:

  • assist in the development, monitoring and review of health and safety policies and procedures;
  • consider any proposal for, or changes to the workplace, policies, work practices or procedures which may affect the health and safety of employees;
  • promote the importance of health and safety amongst management and employees;
  • monitor Relevate’s health and safety performance;
  • monitor the rehabilitation of injured employees;
  • assist in the resolution of health and safety disputes.

The Committee will meet on a quarterly basis, or more frequently if required. An agenda will be circulated by the Head of the Committee prior to the meeting. A sample agenda can be found at Appendix B to this procedure. A designated note-taker will take minutes of the meeting. A sample minutes document can be found at Appendix A to this procedure.


The role of Health and Safety Representatives is to:

  • represent employees from their work group in relation to health and safety matters;
  • investigate health and safety related complaints prior to representations to management;
  • make representations to management and report back to employees on any matter relating to health and safety;
  • discuss with the employees, any proposals or matters which may affect the health and safety of employees;
  • assist management in the identification of hazards, the assessment of risks and implementation of risk control measures;
  • assist in promoting adherence to health and safety policies and procedures;
  • assist in the monitoring of risk controls and health and safety policies and procedures.



Detailed Work Health and Safety procedures are as set out in the organisation‘s Work Health and Safety manual.

Health and Safety Committee

Management should review the relevant legislation for each state [or insert state] to determine whether a Health and Safety Committee is required for the workplace. Management should also consult with the Health and Safety Representatives and the Human Resources Department to determine if a Committee is required at their site.

Where a Health and Safety Committee is required by legislation, or where the CEO otherwise deems it necessary, Relevate will establish a Health and Safety Committee.

Management must ensure that employee representatives are selected appropriately and that the Committee is established and conducted in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Occupational Health and Safety Committee Membership

The number of Committee members will be decided and agreed by management, in consultation with employees.

Elected health and safety representatives may also be Health and Safety Committee members. At least half the Health and Safety Committee members must be employee representatives.

Health and Safety Committee meetings are to be conducted at least every three months. An agenda will be established prior to the meeting and issued to all persons attending the meeting. Minutes will be taken and forwarded to all Health and Safety Representatives, and copies shall be made available to all employees.

Relevate encourages sites to invite appropriate visitors to attend the Occupational Health and Safety meetings and positively contribute.


Occupational Health and Safety Representative

Where required by law, or where deemed necessary, designated work groups shall each elect a Health and Safety Representative as their elected spokesperson.

Health and Safety Representatives are encouraged to work with management to discuss Work Health and Safety issues, and to work with management to improve health and safety standards.


Occupational Health and Safety Forums

Where the organisation is not required to establish a Health and Safety Committee, and does not otherwise establish such a Committee, the organisation may conduct regular Health and Safety forums.


Review of Policy and Procedure

This procedure will be reviewed annually by the CEO in consultation with the Health and Safety Committee (if relevant) and Health and Safety Representatives.

The review will involve assessing the effectiveness of the procedures by (among other things):

  • reviewing overall health and safety performance; and
  • monitoring the effectiveness of policies and procedures.

Dissemination of Policy and Procedure

The Workplace Occupational Health & Safety Policy and related procedures will be displayed in the workplace and all employees and volunteers will be provided with a copy by their supervisor/manager. New employees will be provided with a copy of the documents as part of their induction.

The policy and related procedures will be reviewed on an annual basis or more frequently, if required, to ensure continued compliance with the relevant legislation.



Appendix A Health and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes Format

Appendix B Health and Safety Committee Meeting Agenda Format


Appendix A



Minutes of : Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Held at :

Date / Time :


    List of Health and Safety Committee members attending.
    List of Health and Safety Committee members apologising for absence.
    Minutes to be read, or if previously circulated, voted upon and signed by the Chairman.
    Secretary to present any correspondence, inwards or outwards.
    In this section, all matters listed for action are reviewed and reported on. Matters not completed remain on the Agenda for future meetings, until problem is resolved or the Committee agrees to remove it from the Agenda.
    Reports such as accident statistics, accidents investigated and rehabilitation should be presented and discussed. (Reports may be verbal or written.)
    A list of new items raised for action, listed as below to be discussed.

Date Raised


Action Required

Person Responsible

Date Completed


Any items listed should be added to those still outstanding from previous meeting and placed on the next Agenda in this format.

    Health and Safety Committee Members to be given the opportunity to discuss any other Health and Safety matters.
    Details of any reviews carried out at the meeting, eg: Policy, Procedure, etc.
  3. CLOSE

Appendix B




  • DATE
  • TIME


  1. Opening
  2. Welcome
  3. Apologies
  4. Extra Agenda Items (late)
  5. Read Minutes – confirmation of minutes of previous meeting
  6. Business Arising from Minutes
  7. Correspondence
  8. Reports
  9. Review of Accidents or Statistics
  10. Review of Motor Vehicle Incidents/Accidents
  11. Review and update the OH&S Improvement Plan
  12. New Business
  13. Quarterly, Annual Reviews (policy/procedure)
  14. Date of Next Meeting